Fantasy author, book reviewer, book editor

About Ed Crocker
Ed was born in Manchester and has managed to stay there ever since. He studied Law at Oxford University, then bounced around careers, including training as a journalist and teaching secondary school English, before becoming a freelance editor. This allows him to spend time on his first love: sitting at home on his laptop writing horror and fantasy stories.
He is currently writing an epic fantasy trilogy, The Everlands, set in a dystopian world of immortals: vampires, werewolves and sorcerers - but no humans. It's being published in North America by St Martin's Press, and also being published in Italy and Hungary.
The first book, Lightfall, takes place in the last vampire city, where the blood you drink determines your class. It's being released in North America on Jan 14, 2025. His agent is Harry Illingworth of DHH Literary.
As a book editor, he was worked with authors in SFF, horror, literary and other genres, including Sunday Times Bestselling authors and award-winning indie authors.
He's also a keen book reviewer, and you can read his SFF and horror reviews on You can also subscribe to his Substack newsletter GET CROCKED, where as well as author news you get an extensive SFF & horror news and release round up every month as well as a monthly short story, a giveaway and publishing articles. He spends a lot of time on it. It's a thing. Give it a try.
His other interests range from horror films, football, politics, graphic novels, murder mystery and all things fantasy. He’s also a keen video gamer, and gets a bit ranty when people ask him if that’s childish. He’s currently learning Italian. Slowly.
See his linktree here for all his links and socials: